The CMSP is not a resource for long-term storage of data for facility users. We provide a means to share and data generated in the CMSP via Google Drive, but from here the management, storage and availability of this data is the responsibility of the PI, as per the UM Research Data Management Policy. Below we provide some links to resources that should help PIs seeking resources to meet requirements of funding agencies and scientific journal publishers related to data storage, management and access.
UM Research Data Storage Guidelines
"Research Data Storage (RDS) provides professionally managed secure, replicated, shareable storage space on the University of Minnesota’s network. It is intended for research data that is actively being used."
Data Management and Sharing - NIH policy
On January 25, 2023, NIH implemented a policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS). Links to related material are shown below. CMSP will discuss methods for fulfilling these requirements for mass spectrometry-based experiments that are related to your NIH grant. Please contact us for further assistance.
DMS Overview (UMN)DMS overview (NIH)Scientific Data Sharing (NIH)
Data Repositories
Various repositories exist that meet granting agency and journal requirements for sharing data, results and related metafiles.
Guidelines are available at each website to help you through the process of uploading pertinent files and obtaining a shareable link for distribution.
NIH Repositories for sharing scientific data
PRIDE (proteomics identification database)
Massive (MASS spectrometry Interactive Virtual Environment)