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Proteomics Technologies

Prices subject to annual change
Service UMN Subsidized Rates External Rates
Thermo Orbitrap Eclipse (per hour) $118.00 $194.70
Thermo Orbitrap Eclipse > 30 hrs $98.76 $162.95
Thermo Orbitrap FUSION (per hour) $95.15 $157.00
Thermo Orbitrap FUSION > 30hrs $79.27 $130.80
Phos Enrichment TiO2/FeNTA (Per Sample) $179.40 $394.66
Sciex QTRAP 6500+ (per hour) $156.00 $312.00
Sciex QTRAP 6500+ >15hrs $118.80 $237.60
TMT 10plex (full service, Eclipse wFAIMS MS) $6,518.94 $10,335.73
TMT 16plex (full service, Eclipse wFAIMS MS) $8,427.04 $12,976.80
TMT 18plex (full service, Eclipse wFAIMS MS) $8,689.15 $13,396.08
TMT QC LC-MS (Per Sample) $56.23 $95.78

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Metabolomics Technologies

Prices subject to annual change
Service UMN Subsidized Rates External Rates
Sciex QTRAP 6500+ $119.50 $197.18
Sciex QTRAP 6500+ >15hrs $110.05 $181.00
Agilent 6495C QQQ $110.05 $181.00
Agilent 6495C QQQ >15hr $118.80 $237.60
SCIEX QTRAP5500 $93.26 $153.88
SCIEX QTRAP5500 >15hrs $86.67 $143.01
Thermo Q-Exactive $86.67 $143.01
Thermo Q-Exactive >15hr $72.15 $119.05
Agilent 7200 GC-Q-TOF $51.75 $113.85
biocrates MxP500 Full Plate (plate only) $7,841.00 $7,841.00
biocrates MxP500 Half Plate (plate only) $5,175.00 $5,175.00
biocrates MxP500 Full Plate (plate only) $8,778.00 $8,778.00
biocrates MxP500 Half Plate (plate only) $5,793.00 $5,793.00

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Bruker Autoflex MALDI-TOF MS

Prices subject to annual change
Service UMN Subsidized Rates External Rates
Trained user rate (hourly) $52.56 $115.63
Staff analysis $51.20 $84.48

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Data analysis

Prices subject to annual change
Service UMN Subsidized Rates External Rates
Data analysis (per hr) $139.37 $306.72

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Other services for sample preparation

Prices subject to annual change
Service UMN Subsidized Rates External Rates
Ag (Ag staining) $35.15 $58.00
BaroCycler $12.15 $20.05
Bradford $93.54 $154.34
Coomassie stain $36.90 $60.89
Data analysis $128.98 $212.82
Digestion in-gel (1-10 samples) $149.50 $246.68
Digestion in-gel plus 10 $11.71 $19.32
Digestion In-solution per samples $14.99 $24.73
Gels $103.81 $171.29
Method development $165.00 $272.25
Phos Enrichment TiO2/FeNTA $179.40 $394.66
Precellys 11.26 18.58
Sample Prep $140.72 $232.19
SPE Hypercarb desalting $19.68 $32.47
SPE-C18 desalting $19.68 $32.47
SPE-HLB desalting $19.68 $32.47
SPE-MCX desalting $19.68 $32.47
Stage Tip desalting $8.75 $14.44
Targeted LC-MS Method Development: 3 Compounds $1,350.00 $2,247.00
Targeted LC-MS Method Development: Additional Compound $400.00 $660.00
Zip tip MS (staff) $15.16 $25.01