The CMSP has adopted the biocrates platform for quantitative MS-based metabolomics and lipidomics. This unique platform utilizes a large panel of stable-isotope labeled internal standards that ensures accurate and reproducible identification and quantification of molecules indicative of metabolic activity. The approach overcomes the inherent challenges of untargeted MS-based metabolomics, improving reproducibility and addressing challenges in annotating detected compounds. It incorporates the accuracy, reproducibility, and compatibility to high-throughput analysis of large sample cohorts offered by targeted MS-based profiling, while still offering large-scale profiling of hundreds of molecules involved in central metabolic pathways, lipids and lipid-derived metabolites and small molecules relevant to metabolic disease.
The biocrates platform provides coverage of up to 630 metabolites from 26 biochemical classes with the MxP Quant 500 Kit and up to 1,019 metabolites from 39 chemical classes with the MxP Quant 500 XL Kit. Additionally, the biocrates platform provides access to over 400 quantifiable metabolism indicators (MetaboINDICATORS) derived from literature. These MetaboINDICATORs enable the quick assessment of the biological significance of these absolute metabolite concentrations within a broader scientific context. Complete lists of covered metabolites can be found below (see biocrates Kits) and MetaboINDICATORs are available upon request. The kits are available in both half-plate (40 samples) and full-plate (78 samples) varieties. Moreover, they are compatible with a wide range of sample types from small volumes (i.e., 30 uL or 3 x 10^6 cells), including plasma, serum, bile, urine, and cell pellets.
biocrates Kits
Complete lists of covered metabolites can be found below.
Requirements for Incoming Samples
Refer to the Sample Collection & Delivery Instructions below for general instructions about sample submission.
The kits are compatible with a variety of sample types and amounts, including plasma, serum, bile, cell pellets, cell media, tissue, and feces (stool). NOTE: some sample types may require additional preparation steps prior to analysis.
Technical guides for select sample types are listed below.