The CMSP offers support for investigators developing grant proposals that include funding for biological mass spectrometry services.  CMSP staff will assist in developing descriptions of experimental design appropriate for the goals of the proposal, as well as details on the methods that will be used to prepare samples, generate data, and analyze the data to deliver impactful results.

The links below contain files that can be useful for proposal preparation.  These include descriptions of the CMSP facilities and equipment, and templates for letters of support that can be customized by investigators for the specifics of their proposed study.  Once a letter is drafted, CMSP staff and/or the Director can provided a review before including with the proposal. CMSP staff can help direct you to the appropriate letter to use for your proposal if necessary.


CMSP Facility and Equipment:

Click here for CMSP facility and equipment description


NIH Data Management Sharing Plans:

Data Management Plan for Metabolomics Projects

Data Management Plan for Proteomics Projects


Proteomics experiments:

Click here for template letter of support – discovery proteomics (including quantitative proteomics, PTMs etc)

Click here for template letter of support – targeted proteomics


Metabolomics Experiments:

Click here for template letter of support – untargeted metabolomics

Click here for template letter of support – targeted metabolomics

Click here for template letter of support – biocrates metabolomics